

CodeCanyon - CSS3 Ui Kit - Web Elements

CodeCanyon - CSS3 Ui Kit - Web Elements

CodeCanyon - CSS3 Ui Kit - Web Elements | 437 KB

Css3 User interface web elements made with HTML5 , CSS3 and some javascript. You will finds: menu, buttons, dropdown, progress bar (steps), search bar, tags, notification... The details are made with border-radius, text-shadow, box-shadow, gradients, :before, :after, :active, :hover pseudo elements, noise (URI)... (some are not supported by IE).
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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ThemeForest - Arsynoe | Professional One Page Portfolio - RIP

ThemeForest - Arsynoe | Professional One Page Portfolio - RIP

ThemeForest - Arsynoe | Professional One Page Portfolio - RIP | 5,31 MB

Hi there! Introducing Arsynoe, a one page portfolio template featuring clean, userfriendly responsive design! It is suitable for corporate or personal use and for everyone who wants to show showcase their work in elegant and unique way.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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ThemeForest - Voyage - Travel Agency HTML Theme - FULL

ThemeForest - Voyage - Travel Agency HTML Theme - FULL

ThemeForest - Voyage - Travel Agency HTML Theme - FULL | 74,7 MB

This travel HTML theme caters to everyone who needs a travel agency website that has every bell & whistle you could think of and need. It has lots of pages for showcasing the holidays, city-breaks and other types of offers that you would like to post on the website. We also bundle it with a Blog and Contact page, as well as the whole pack of Shortcodes we have already acustmed you with.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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