Introduction to MotionBuilder 2009Runtime:1 hrs. 37 min.
Software Requirements:Motionbuilder

In this course we will learn how to use the user interface of MotionBuilder and how to quickly bring in external files. We’ll move on the moving objects around in 3d space and playing back animation. Then we’ll the get into the guts of MotionBuilder and learn how to create, edit and render an animation. We will learn some of the time-saving animation tools such as Poses and Trajectories.
Lesson Outline
Introduction and Project OverviewIn this lesson we will go over the course objectives and highlight the tools and techniques we will be learning throughout this training
Opening Files and using Asset Browser Favorite PathsIn this lesson we will learn how to open external files quickly in the Asset Browser using Favorite Paths
Working with navigation in the ViewerIn this lesson we will learn the basics of camera movement inside the viewer
"Translating, Rotating, and Scaling objects in 3D space""In this lesson we will learn how to move, rotate, and scale objects in MotionBuilder"
Playing Animation using the Transport ControlsIn this lesson we will learn the various methods to playback animation and modify the playback speed and settings
Getting Started with Animation by setting keyframesIn this lesson we will learn how to set keyframes on objects to create an animation
Using the Property Window to key individual propertiesIn this lesson we will learn how to key just specific properties in the Property Window
Modifying Keyframes using the Transport ControlsIn this lesson we will learn how to edit our animation in the Transport Controls
Controlling Playback with the Zoom barIn this lesson we will learn how to reduce our playback size using the Zoom bar
Using the Fcurve Panel to edit a key's timing and valueIn this lesson we will learn how to use the F-Curve panel to see and tweak our animation
Creating Repeating animation using ExtrapolationIn this lesson we will learn how to save time by using extrapolation instead of repetative keyframes
Using Auto Key to animate quicker and issues with Auto KeyIn this lesson we will learn how to animate using Autokey and issues we need to keep in mind when Autokey is on
Rendering a Movie file out of MotionBuilder for previewsIn this lesson we will learn how to render a video file out of MotionBuilder so we can view our animation in realtime
Using Parenting to connect two objects togetherIn this lesson we will learn how to use Parenting to attach one object to another
Using Trajectories to preview an animation's movementIn this lesson we will learn how to turn on trajectories and how to turn on trajectories on specific objects
Working with Perspective and Orthographic camerasIn this lesson we will learn how to switch between the Perspective and Orthographic cameras and how to incorporate them into our workflow
Using Camera Zoom and Roll and Resetting CamerasIn this lesson we will learn how to use the last two camera movement features and how to reset our camera if we change it too much
Working with Custom CamerasIn this lesson we will learn how to create our own camera and keep it watching our character
Modifying Autosave and Undo in the preferencesIn this lesson we will learn how to use and tweak the Autosave and Undo features
Quickly finding objects in the NavigatorIn this lesson we will learn how to use Right-Click to quickly find objects in the navigator
Using Poses to quickly animate charactersIn this lesson we will learn the basics of using the Pose system to animate quicker
Using the Steering Wheel to move around 3D spaceIn this lesson we will learn how to use the Steering Wheel to move around our Viewer
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