CodeCanyon - Visual Composer v3.4.12 for WordPress | 2,55 MB
Visual Composer for WordPress will save you tons of time working on the site content. Now you’ll be able to create complex layouts within minutes! It’s build on top of the modern technologies – get the best for your lovely website!
18.12.2012 - ver 3.4.12
- Edit tab titles fixed
13.12.2012 - ver 3.4.11
- var_dump() removed from shortcodes.php file
- pressing cancel button works correctly now
- deprecated function image_resize replaced with wp_get_image_editor()
- .po and .mo files updated
12.12.2012 - ver 3.4.10
- Accordion "freezing" fixed
- WP 3.5 compatibility fixes added
29.11.2012 - ver 3.4.9
- Introduced developers methods more info http://kb.wpbakery.com/index.php?title=Category:Visual_Composer
- Exceprts now are working for posts/pages created with Visual Composer
- Nivo slider updated (ver. 3.1)
- Responsive css can be turned off from Visual Composer settings page
15.11.2012 - ver 3.4.8
- fix for qTranslate (after recent update qTranslate was hiding Visual Composer button)
- new colorpicker param type added
- Template system updated