JoomVision - Jaxar (Joomla) | 23,8 MB
With the clean and professional layout, JV Jaxar will be suitable with almost website in any kind. With that spirit, we tried to put as much as posible positions and modules to JV Jaxar as well as layout space.
As you can see in the first look, Main menu and header area has been re-aligned to have the most flexibility space. JV Title Flash has been placed on the right side of header, the position that is usually blank. Main menu are being taken care well. Each active state or hover look really cool in JV Jaxar.
JV headline still being used to present the most and the biggest space of the site, the banner. Still running with smooth and slick animation, JV Headline display the most attractive image from your content to the view with ajax feature. Hey, it's not flash, remember?
Look down a bit, we will see zootemplate famous tab module called JV Tabs. And beside is JV Weather (new version). Main content area now being replaced with content from K2 Component. JV Jaxar has the really good override template for almost everything in Joomla! such as: content, standard modules, K2 component, ... to make everything in your site get valid XHTML 1.0 and being one of those standard websites nowaday.
FEATURES Professional Joomla! template with clean and beautiful look and feel
JV Headline with highly customizable params and smooth effects: Display images and content from your specific articles as a slick slideshow.
JV Title Flash: Display your latest news in title with flash and fading effect.
JV Weather Module Display forecast from your select location. Highly customizeable custommizable and user friendly setting selection in frontend.
JV Tabs: Saving most of your space and have more efficient content presentation by putting modules or content in tabs with JV Tabs.
Adjustable font size from template tools or in backend
100% Tableless design. 100% CSS/DIV compliance.
Joomla 1.5.x native
Well-comment CSS and PHP code files
Tutorial + Detailed userguide
Cross Browser Support (IE 6+, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Opera 9+)