JoomVision - Gaspa (Joomla) | 18,2 MB
Using the warm color scheme, JV Gaspa bring you the friendly layout with the luxurious feeling. Content has been override properly to get rid of table in your site as well placing special look and shadow to content images. JV Gaspa support 4 types of menu: DropLine, SukerFish, MooMenu and Splitmenu which are really flexible for your need. JV headline has been well placed in header area to draw the most attention from visitors to what you want to show at first. Right above content area, we place multi collapsible module positions there so you can publish your modules later without changing any code.
JV ContentFusion was embed in JV Gaspa package once again in slideshow form. It would be really useful if you want to show list of affiliates, list of promotions, advertising, and all kind of items that you want to be seen the most.
With cross-browser support, rich typography embed and flexible module positions, JV Gaspa will be a must-have template in your collection.
FEATURES Professional Joomla! template with warm dark color and clean layout
JV Headline professional and interesting way to display your content
JV ContentFusion: Display your content in a list of images with tooltips popup when hover. Can be a block of images or a slideshow.
JV Latest News: Better latest news modules with images and clean style
Adjustable font size from template tools or in backend
100% Tableless design. 100% CSS/DIV compliance.
Joomla 1.5.x native
Well-comment CSS and PHP code files
Tutorial + Detailed userguide
Cross Browser Support (IE 6+, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Opera 9+)