

Lynda Photoshop CS4 for The Web with: Jan Kabili

Lynda Photoshop CS4 for The Web with: Jan Kabili

Lynda Photoshop CS4 for The Web with: Jan Kabili

Photoshop CS4 offers designers a rich assortment of editing tools with which to create compelling imagery for the web. Photoshop CS4 for the Web covers a wide range of uses for Photoshop in the web graphics workflow. Instructor Jan Kabili explains how to optimize graphics and photographs so they download quickly in a web browser. She covers the why and how of image slicing, and demonstrates practical techniques for designing layouts, backgrounds, navigation bars, and buttons in Photoshop.
Раздел: Видео Уроки
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TeachPro Компьютерная графика и дизайн (2006/DVD)

TeachPro Компьютерная графика и дизайн (2006/DVD)

Курс предназначен для обучения основам работы с графическими пакетами Corel DRAW 10, Adobe PhotoShop 6.0, Adobe Illustrator 9.0, Adobe PageMaker 7.0, Adobe Premiere 6.0, 3d Studio Max 4, Компас-3D LT, Autocad 2002, Macromedia Flash MX.
Раздел: Видео Уроки
Читать далee CSS Web Site Design with Eric Meyer CSS Web Site Design with Eric Meyer CSS Web Site Design with Eric Meyer

CSS gives Web designers control over the appearance of their web sites by separating the visual presentation from the content. It lets them easily make minor changes to a site or perform a complete overhaul of the design. In CSS Web Site Design, instructor and leading industry expert Eric Meyer reviews the essentials of CSS, including selectors, the cascade, and inheritance. The training also covers how to build effective navigation, how to lay out pages, and how to work with typography, colors, backgrounds, and white space. Using a project-based approach, Eric walks through the process of creating a Web page, while teaching the essentials of CSS along the way. By the end of the training, viewers will have the tools to master professional site design. Exercise files accompany the training videos.
Раздел: Видео Уроки
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3ds Max 2008 Самоучитель + видеокурс от О. Миловской (PDF+DVD/2008)

3ds Max 2008 Самоучитель + видеокурс от О. Миловской (PDF+DVD/2008)

Самоучитель по использованию программы 3ds Max 2008 состоит из уроков, содержащих не только теоретический материал, но и практические примеры с пошаговыми инструкциями. В каждом уроке есть упражнения для самостоятельной работы, которые помогут закрепить полученные знания и приобрести необходимые практические навыки
Раздел: Видео Уроки
Читать далee Photoshop Brushes with Bruce Heavin Photoshop Brushes with Bruce Heavin Photoshop Brushes with Bruce Heavin

Photoshop Brushes is a grand overview of the Photoshop brush engine which allows you to create a wide range of painterly effects. Learn to make photographs into paintings. Create your own custom brushes. Learn to paint your own paintings from scratch with your drawing skills, plus much much more! This is a deep overview of working with the brushes of Photoshop. Definitely for those creatively-minded people who are also creative at heart! This title was recorded in Photoshop 7, but is relevant for Photoshop CS and CS2 as well.
Раздел: Видео Уроки
Читать далee PHP with MySQL Essential Training with: Kevin Skoglund PHP with MySQL Essential Training with: Kevin Skoglund PHP with MySQL Essential Training with: Kevin Skoglund

Website and database assimilation is a necessity for many of today's businesses, and learning to work with PHP is key to integration success. The objective of PHP with MySQL Essential Training is to teach both new and experienced web developers the comprehensive steps for building dynamic, data-driven, interactive websites. Instructor Kevin Skoglund demonstrates the entire process of building a content management system. He starts with the basics of the PHP language (variables, arrays, loops, functions, etc.) and works up to building dynamic web pages with a MySQL back end. Kevin also covers blueprinting applications; structuring and interacting with databases; building, validating, and processing forms; and regulating user access with passwords. In addition, he provides practical advice, offers examples of best practices, and demonstrates refactoring techniques for improving existing code. Exercise files accompany the tutorials..
Раздел: Видео Уроки
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Photoshop CS4 for Photographers: Camera Raw

Photoshop CS4 for Photographers: Camera Raw

Photoshop CS4 for Photographers: Camera Raw
with Chris Orwig

In Photoshop CS4 for Photographers: Camera Raw, Chris Orwig enthusiastically explores a Photoshop plug-in that is a must-have for any serious photographer. By working on the digital negatives in Camera Raw, photographers have more creative control over their photos, and the original files remain intact. Chris demonstrates
techniques for processing images by adjusting tone, contrast, highlights, and clarity. He also illustrates methods for sharpening images, controlling color saturation, and creating
dynamic black-and-white images. With a detailed tour of the interface and control panels, Chris shows how Camera Raw is a one-of-a-kind creative resource. Exercise files accompany the course.
Photoshop CS4 for Photographers is a recommended prerequisite for this course.
Раздел: Видео Уроки

Accessibility on the web has been an issue for over a decade, and it remains a crucial--but often overlooked--element of web design. Instructor Zoe Gillenwater explains the concept of accessibility as it applies to the web, and describes how it affects the audience. She also covers how to set up accessibility testing, and how to apply accessibility principles to new and existing sites using standards-compliant markup and CSS. Exercise files accompany the tutorials.
Раздел: Видео Уроки
Читать далee :Photoshop® for Wedding Photographers by Scott Kelby (DVDRip) :Photoshop® for Wedding Photographers by Scott Kelby (DVDRip) : Photoshop® for Wedding Photographers by Scott Kelby (DVDRip)

Одной из самых основных тенденций в свадебной фотографии является storybook - свадебный альбом. Скотт Kelby, автор и редактор журнала Photoshop User, показывает процесс создания коллажей.
One of the hottest trends in wedding photography is the storybook wedding album - taking photographs and turning them into eye-catching collages and artistic images. Join Scott Kelby, best-selling author and editor of Photoshop User magazine, as he reveals the secrets to creating amazing images that you can reuse over and over again by creating templates.
Раздел: Видео Уроки
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