ThemeForest - Libra v1.1.0 - Flexible & Multipurpose WP Theme | 48,9 MB
Libra is a creative and powerful corporate/portfolio theme with a great 1170 pixel responsive layout based on the Bootstrap grid.
Some features of Libra are: boxed/stretched layout, background uploader to upload a different background image/color for each page and post, unlimited sliders with 9 different slider types (we include 2 premium slider for a value of 30$ and a great "polaroid slider", never seen on Themeforest!), header uploader to upload a different header image for each page, unlimited portfolio with 9 portfolio layouts, unlimited gallery and videogallery, shortcode manager with 200+ shortcodes, SEO panel to improve your SEO, Post formats, 4 testimonials page layouts, 3 "about" page layouts, 6 blog layouts, 500+ google fonts…and much more!