

50 Gold & Silver Text Styles - CM 46314

50 Gold & Silver Text Styles - CM 46314

50 Gold & Silver Text Styles - CM 46314
This is a set of 50 Gold and Silver text styles for Photoshop. These are shiny, crisp and elegant styles carefully handmade to help you create stunning gold and silver effects for text or objects in Photoshop. These layer styles are easy and can be applied with just one click. You can also edit the effects easily.
2 ASL, 2 PSD | 25 Gold and 25 Silver Text Styles | PSD files with all the styles and editable text layers | 11.92 Mb
Раздел: Photoshop » Стили для Photoshop
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Creative Couture Smart Styles Studio - CM 141745

Creative Couture Smart Styles Studio - CM 141745

Creative Couture Smart Styles Studio - CM 141745
Creative Couture is a unique creative system inspired by FASHION & HAUTE COUTURE that works together effortlessly and allows you to take anything in photoshop and instantly apply these stunning styles in any color or rich gold. The fantastic styles collections include: Rich Glitter + Sequins, Perfectly Pave, Metal Mixes, Textural Textiles, Caviar, Liquid Metals, Lightly Encrusted, Deeply Encrusted, So Dimensional, Jeweled Fantasy, Iridescent overlays, Jeweled overlays, and Gold Leaf overlays.
21 ASL, 9 JPG | 755 Mb
Раздел: Photoshop » Стили для Photoshop
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