

CreativeMarket - Logo Mock-up 1458

CreativeMarket - Logo Mock-up 1458

CreativeMarket - Logo Mock-up 1458
PSD | 6 Different Styles of Your Logo | 3 Different front view backgrounds | 2 Different perspective view backgrounds | Fully Layered Photoshop | 3000x2250 px | Optimized for 300dpi | Photorealistic effects | High details | Smart Object | 300 dpi | 245.94 Mb
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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CreativeMarket - Table Tent Mock-up Template Vol.7

CreativeMarket - Table Tent Mock-up Template Vol.7

CreativeMarket - Table Tent Mock-up Template Vol.7
Widely seen in restaurants, pubs, delis or anywhere else that sells food, table tents or table card separate your promotional items from your main service menu/list helping them to get noticed.
PSD + JPG + RTF | 300x2000 px | Based on smart objects | 3 Table Tents angle of view | Separated Smart Object for each angle of view | Separate all objects, shadows and lights | Backgrounds from preview are included | 300 dpi | Well Organized Folders and Layers | 160.32 Mb
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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CreativeMarket - 3d Text/Logo Mock-up 9243

CreativeMarket - 3d Text/Logo Mock-up 9243

CreativeMarket - 3d Text/Logo Mock-up 9243
Create a realistic display for your logo/text in few seconds.
PSD | High resolution (Tileable) | 3000x2000 px | 300 dpi CMYK / RGB Support | Can be used for any graphics | Works with any colors | Minimal and Clean style | Photorealistic | Smart objects | Layered | 333.18 Mb
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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