

Bedclothes and Rug Mock-up - Creativemarket 492700

Bedclothes and Rug Mock-up - Creativemarket 492700

Bedclothes and Rug Mock-up - Creativemarket 492700
4 PSD | 2x 5000x4000px & 2500x2500px, 300 dpi | Bed View, Bed View 2, Set View, Rug | You can change color and gradient of each part of material (rug, sheet, bedding and pillows) | You can put your own design using smart objects (rug, sheet, bedding and pillows) | well oganized layers | 281 Mb
Раздел: Photoshop » PSD исходники
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Custom Printed Napkin Mock-up - Creativemarket 419941

Custom Printed Napkin Mock-up - Creativemarket 419941

Custom Printed Napkin Mock-up - Creativemarket 419941
12 PSD | 3000 x 3000 px | 300 DPI | Works with Photoshop min. CS4 | You can change background (white background is always an option) | You can edit color of napkin | You can put your own design on napkin | You can add custom shape label on the back angle of wrapped napkins | Well organized layers | 406 Mb
Раздел: Photoshop » PSD исходники
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Scarves (many types) Mock-up - Creativemarket 450569

Scarves (many types) Mock-up - Creativemarket 450569

Scarves (many types) Mock-up - Creativemarket 450569
36 PSD | 2000 x 2500px (24 displacement maps) | 6 types of scarf in 2 views (12 views) | You can change color and gradient of each part of material | You can put your own design using smart objects on each part of material | well oganized layers | 366 Mb
Раздел: Photoshop » PSD исходники
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