Videohive - Times Square CS4 - Projects for After Effects
Times Square is a 3d City where you can show text and media in more than 25 displays.
All the Place holders are numbered and display the size of your content .Easy to customize.As explained in the detailed Pdf doc, in some of the place holder you can add more text and medias.Be aware that by using the native AE motion blur, you can experiment shift and jitter of the images.You may want to look at the Re Vision plugins or CC Force Motion Blur. By unzip the project you will find 4 folders.
1. The Helps Docs.(links to the fonts used in the preview are included if you need)
2.The reference projectt (the one used to render the single comps, not the preview, you will find some grid effects, and offset used for the preview).
3.The reference videos, 4 flv of the single comp rendered.(Day,Night,Trapcode+OF,plus a blank place holder one.This one will be very helpfull during the customization process.).
4.The Times Square Project folder, where you will find 2 projects.One with only the day & Night comp, without need of Xtra plugins ,and one with the 2 mentioned comps, + the Particular V2+O/f;lares
I personally suggest to work on the Trapcode+OF one in order the avoid create your place holders twice | Single comp time 1.35 min. | Backgrounds editable W/Ramp effect or other (buffer included)
HD 1280x720 | Adobe After Effects CS4 | 510.2 Mb