

ThemeForest - Pond - Responsive Minimalist Coming Soon Template - RIP

ThemeForest - Pond - Responsive Minimalist Coming Soon Template - RIP

ThemeForest - Pond - Responsive Minimalist Coming Soon Template - RIP | 1,97 MB

Pond is a minimalist fully-featured Coming Soon HTML template. It includes a digital countdown timer, a parallax effect on the background, ripples effects for the background, a newsletter form and a contact form that use both user-side and server-side validations.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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ThemeForest - Syntac - Premium Personal Portfolio HTML5 Template - RIP

ThemeForest - Syntac - Premium Personal Portfolio HTML5 Template - RIP

ThemeForest - Syntac - Premium Personal Portfolio HTML5 Template - RIP | 2,51 MB

Syntac is a fully responsive hand coded personal portfolio template using the latest HTML5 / CSS3 techniques, featuring a trendy but unique minimal flat design. It is suitable for individuals working at creative fields, who would like to showcase their artworks and resume in a creative and eye-catching way.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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ThemeForest - CURTAIN - Minimal vCard HTML5 template - RIP

ThemeForest - CURTAIN - Minimal vCard HTML5 template - RIP

ThemeForest - CURTAIN - Minimal vCard HTML5 template - RIP | 4,50 MB

CURTAIN is a creative vCard template, easily customizable with many combinations, including 3 gallery types. The template comes with 2 samples to help you out in the customization process. The jQuery library for js management and HTML5/CSS3 transitions makes this template cross-platform. Due to its fixed horizontal size you can get the same user experience on all the devices, check it out!
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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ThemeForest - Showlight - Portfolio & Photography Template - RIP

ThemeForest - Showlight - Portfolio & Photography Template - RIP

ThemeForest - Showlight - Portfolio & Photography Template - RIP | 21,3 MB

Showlight is a portfolio and photography template. It has a modern and elegant look.
Showlight includes high quality HTML5 and CSS3 code and is optimized for search engines.
In the download you will find 19 easily-customizable HTML files for each color scheme.
Because of responsive design, Showlight looks great on every device.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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ThemeForest - Clear - Professional HTML5 Creative Template - RIP

ThemeForest - Clear - Professional HTML5 Creative Template - RIP

ThemeForest - Clear - Professional HTML5 Creative Template - RIP | 20,1 MB

Clear - is creative template. Unique and simple. Can be used for any type of website. Ultra responsive with user friendly responsive navigation. Demo images are included. With huge amount of features you can make it as unuque as you want.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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