

Коллекция новых скринсейверов от ScreenJazz (2013)

Коллекция новых скринсейверов от ScreenJazz (2013)

Скринсейвер - это функция или отдельная программа гашения экрана при простое компьютера (или иного устройства), призванная снизить непроизводительный износ оборудования и его отдельных частей, а иногда и энергопотребление. Вам представлена свежая подборка новых самых красивых заставок (скринсейверов) для рабочего стола от компании ScreenJazz. Все скринсейверы в своих настройках имеют фунцкию включениявыключения показа даты и времени, также настройку формата времени.
Раздел: Украшательство » Скринсейверы
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ThemeForest - Frame Photography Responsive Website Template - RIP


ThemeForest - Frame Photography Responsive Website Template - RIP | 32,7 MB

Frame is our new HTML5 & CSS3 responsive photographery website template. This outstanding theme comes in two versions Light skin and Dark skin. Please check both versions to get better idea on how they look. Please note that they have different navigation menu placement which you can change easily.
We tried to implement the most popular galleries into the theme, like fullscreeen, kenburns, wall gallery, fullscreen grid, masonry style. In addition to this sleek design and great variety of galleries it has awesome portfolios, just pick the one you like or use all of them. Isn't it great? Don't miss it, buy now!
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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ThemeForest - Kyte - Flat Onepage Responsive HTML5 Template - RIP

ThemeForest - Kyte - Flat Onepage Responsive HTML5 Template - RIP

ThemeForest - Kyte - Flat Onepage Responsive HTML5 Template - RIP | 4,90 MB

Kyte is a flat, responsive, HTML5 site template built with Twitter Bootstrap with unique portfolio. It can be used both as onepage and multipage. Kyte will be useful to artists, photographers, creative agencies, digital studios, personal freelancers, and any kind of business owners that would like to showcase their portfolio beautifully. Since it is responsive, the layout will adapt to different screen sizes which will make your website be compatible with any device such as smart phones, tablets or desktop computers. 4 premium scripts are included with the total value of $52, which you will get for free with this template.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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ThemesKingdom - Boldly v1.7.0 - Portfolio WordPress Theme

ThemesKingdom - Boldly v1.7.0 - Portfolio WordPress Theme

ThemesKingdom - Boldly v1.7.0 - Portfolio WordPress Theme | 2,96 MB

Boldly WordPress Theme has been created to be used as a creative/portfolio or corporate/business website. The strength of this theme is its simple and clean design combined with great JQuery Plugins & custom widgets. It’s easy to use, and very easy to customize.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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ThemeForest - Red Stripe v1.0 - Responsive Parallax Event Site Template - FULL

ThemeForest - Red Stripe v1.0 - Responsive Parallax Event Site Template - FULL

ThemeForest - Red Stripe v1.0 - Responsive Parallax Event Site Template - FULL | 1,37 MB

Modern HTML5. Responsive. Designed for promotional purposes. You can use it for events but it also has features to function as a business portfolio site. This theme is easy to customize and maintain.
This template has a unique mix of a 2 column fixed layout and single column fluid layout. Columns overlay one another to give a dual layered effect. The navigation is a sticky navigation that scrolls to anchors on the page. There is a speaker section which includes animated images that flip on mouse over. This theme also includes a media center with image popup modals and videos from Youtube or Vimeo. There is an agenda section that includes calendar dates and specific sessions that occur on each date. It also includes a calendar and agenda display. There is a Google map that can detect the user's location and route directions to your event's location. This template includes a functional signup form.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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ThemesKingdom - Beautypress v1.2.1 - Business WordPress Theme

ThemesKingdom - Beautypress v1.2.1 - Business WordPress Theme

Themeskingdom - Beautypress v1.2.1 Business Wordpress Theme | 8,14 MB

The Beautypress WordPress Theme is originally designed for beauty, healthcare, spa, therapy, massage salon websites, it can be easily adapted to any kind of website due to all the features theme has. Using a Home Page builder allows you to create unique homepage in just few clicks, simply add and drag-and-drop elements on desired position. The layout is responsive, looking great from a desktop view down to a smaller mobile resolution.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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