

ColorlabsProject - Foodmagz v1.1.6 - Premium WordPress Theme

ColorlabsProject - Foodmagz v1.1.6 - Premium WordPress Theme

ColorlabsProject - Foodmagz v1.1.6 - Premium WordPress Theme | 1,38 MB

FoodMagz is a child theme of Backbone Theme Framework, specially designed for food bloggers, food junkies, restaurant bloggers or general food websites. Whether you are a new food blogger without a high budget or an experienced food blogger who value a user-friendly way to add, organize and display recipes.
FoodMagz keeps everything clean with decent white space so your photos and content are the central focus. Black font on a white background is proven to be the easiest and most natural way for people to read. All elements enhance the user experience and won't distract the user.
Whether you are a new food blogger without a high budget or an experienced food blogger who value a user-friendly way to add, organize and display recipes, then FoodMagz is your solution. Because FoodMagz is all about creating a unique experience: just like your recipes are.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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ThemeForest - Relax - Responsive & Minimal Coming Soon Theme - RIP

ThemeForest - Relax - Responsive & Minimal Coming Soon Theme - RIP

ThemeForest - Relax - Responsive & Minimal Coming Soon Theme - RIP | 1,05

"Relax coming soon theme" was created to generate a sense of visual pleasure thanks to its clean, minimalist design. You can choose a color scheme design, in harmony with the essence of style, or in black and white, conveying elegance, distinction and good taste.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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