

ThemeForest - iBUSINESS v1.3 - Retina Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme

ThemeForest - iBUSINESS v1.3 - Retina Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme

ThemeForest - iBUSINESS v1.3 - Retina Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme | 20,0 MB

iBusiness is a responsive WordPress Theme (try resizing your browser), suited for business websites and users who want to showcase their work on a neat portfolio site. The Theme is built with KODDE Framework V2 with a lot of new options and Page Builder V2 with drag and drop and resizable blocks.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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ThemeForest - Enfinity v2.2.4 - Adaptive Ecommerce Portfolio WP theme

ThemeForest - Enfinity v2.2.4 - Adaptive Ecommerce Portfolio WP theme

ThemeForest - Enfinity v2.2.4 - Adaptive Ecommerce Portfolio WP theme | 6,76 MB

Enfinity is an elegant and flexible WordPress e-commerce theme with an adaptive layout and many features inside. It has got a (really) powerful admin panel, you can try it by enter the preview?
Enfinity supports WooCommerce, Camera slideshow (a free Wordpress plugin to display adaptive slideshows with great transition effects... developed by me), BBPress, WP Super Cache and WPMU (Wordpress Multi-User or Wordpress Network), only to name the most famous ones.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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