

Природный камень в современном интерьере

Природный камень в современном интерьере

Природный камень в современном интерьере
В этой фотогалерее большой выбор разных идей, применение камня в интерьере. Вы увидите как можно красиво декорировать камнем комнаты, стены, особенно модно сейчас выкладывать камнем барные стойки в кухне, дверные проёмы, фасады, одним словом почерпнете для себя идею, или же наоборот скажете своему мастеру, вот так как на картинке я хочу чтобы Вы мне сделали.
JPG | max1024*1335 | 90шт | 57мб
Раздел: Картинки, Фото, АРТ
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ThemeForest - aTourist - Hotel, Travel Booking Site Template - RIP

ThemeForest - aTourist - Hotel, Travel Booking Site Template - RIP

ThemeForest - aTourist - Hotel, Travel Booking Site Template - RIP | 2,83 MB

aTourist 10 page site template designed keeping usability in focus. This HTML template is simple looking and yet it makes your website look unique in its own way.
It was made responsive with that clear intention in mind.. 'easy to use and book the hotel'. Instead of making it decorative on small screens.
This template is suitable for Hotels, restaurants, travel, holiday, villas, motels and other booking related businesses.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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ThemeForest - Wedding Invitation - a Responsive Wedding Template - RIP

ThemeForest - Wedding Invitation - a Responsive Wedding Template - RIP

ThemeForest - Wedding Invitation - a Responsive Wedding Template - RIP | 8,04 MB

The Wedding Invitation is a premium HTML/CSS/JS responsive wedding template you can use for your wedding ceremony's official web-site! It was made according to the Skeleton grid, so you won't have any trouble working with it.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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ThemeForest - City Nightlife - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme - RIP

ThemeForest - City Nightlife - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme - RIP

ThemeForest - City Nightlife - Responsive Multi-Purpose Theme - RIP | 10,2 MB

What kind of website do you need? Don’t matter. With the City Nightlife theme you can build many types of portals: Corporate, Personal, Photography, Portfolio, Magazine, Education, Sport and so on!
City Nightlife is a complete and responsive multi-purpose theme, developed using HTML5 & CSS3. It’s full responsive design using Twitter Bootstrap, working fine with texts, images and videos. The theme isCrossBrowser compatible with all major browsers. Support your browser IE, Safari, Chrome or Firefox, and operational system Windows, Linux or Mac.
Using Font Awesome you can get a single collection font with 249 icons. And with Google Web Fontsyou are more than 620 font families that you can change and try more options for your layout customization.
If you are a Developer, the City Nightlife code are clean, indented and readable, we always use design patterns and web standards. Using Less with Lesshat Library you can do more, improving your development speed. And coping and pasting ours shortcodes you will code more quickly.
Designers can use one of our 10 suggestion themes. Change between wide and boxed layout. Choose 20 patterns and 20 backgrounds for boxed layout. Try change the theme colors using 20 colors skins, 20 menu colors and 40 headers background.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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