

CodeCanyon - Fancy Portfolio Slider - jQuery plugin

CodeCanyon - Fancy Portfolio Slider - jQuery plugin

CodeCanyon - Fancy Portfolio Slider - jQuery plugin | 12,4 MB

This jQuery plugin creates a cool Portfolio Slider with a touch-enabled coverflow. It’s fully responsive and you can add unlimited media to a project. It supports images and youtube/vimeo/mp4 videos. You can set an own title and description for every media in your project.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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ThemeForest - Serenity - Minimal Responsive eCommerce Template - RIP

ThemeForest - Serenity - Minimal Responsive eCommerce Template - RIP

ThemeForest - Serenity - Minimal Responsive eCommerce Template - RIP | 1,99 MB

Create an outstanding ecommerce with highly customizable Serenity template. This templates is perfect for those looking for simple and clean look for their ecommerce website, as well concern about optimization and loading speed.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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