

ThemeForest - Infinite - Reponsive Admin Template - RIP

ThemeForest - Infinite - Reponsive Admin Template - RIP

ThemeForest - Infinite - Reponsive Admin Template - RIP | 31,1 MB

Infinite is a responsive admin template built on latest Twitter Bootstrap Framework 2.3.1. Infinite admin template is very elegant and simple, so it can be used for any type of application. Template is fully responsive and compatible with all devices such as smartphones, tablets and desktop screens.
Template design is very sharp and every detail has been brought to perfection. You have possibility to hide/show sidebar with jQuery cookie (remember if sidebar is hidden or not after changing/refreshing page and keep options stored).
If you find any issues, errors or have any suggestions, don't hesitate to contact me, I will do my best to fix this issues as soon as possible.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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ThemeForest - POINT Business Resposnive Web Template - RIP

ThemeForest - POINT Business Resposnive Web Template - RIP

ThemeForest - POINT Business Resposnive Web Template - RIP | 9,59 MB

Check out our new premium responsive HTML5& CSS3 theme. POINT – is the latest html theme that exposes from a new angle what really makes business successful today. New features like outstanding revolution slider and dizzyn array of social icons will spread the word about your website immediately.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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ThemeForest - Night Sky - Ultimate Responsive Bootstrap Admin - RIP

ThemeForest - Night Sky - Ultimate Responsive Bootstrap Admin - RIP

ThemeForest - Night Sky - Ultimate Responsive Bootstrap Admin - RIP | 4,32 MB

Night Sky is the ultimate admin theme for Twitter Bootstrap. It's what we're calling the best the admin theme for Bootstrap to date. It has a unique, pixel-perfect design, and many fully customized widgets. We gave special attention to design and focussed on building a versatile admin theme that could work for an almost unlimited range of applications.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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