

ThemeForest - Blocked - Responsive HTML5 Template

ThemeForest - Blocked - Responsive HTML5 Template

ThemeForest - Blocked - Responsive HTML5 Template | 4,70 MB

Blocked is a Responsive HTML5 Template, built with extreme attention to details.

Blocked is a robust & complete HTML5 template. It’s built fully on a solid responsive framework. You will be amazed with the beauty, configuration and extensibility the theme has.

The theme has been developed using several building blocks (internally called 'sections'), which are then combined to provide you with a unique composition using the theme's design elements.
There is no limit on the amount of layouts you can create. You can combine the several blocks and create completely unique layouts. This flexibility is priceless.
The theme uses a responsive grid system of sixteen columns, based on the powerful Skeleton Framework.
The HTML structure has been laid out in a very clean and organized way, with separations between code elements in the HTML source. You can easily implement in your CMS or Platform of choice just by getting specific parts of the markup. You'll be able to find these parts really quick.


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