Mix Of Modules - CodeCanyon Vol.2 | 9,65 MB

CodeCanyon - PHP - AJAX Image Gallery Management - v1.5PHP ? AJAX Image Gallery is a photo and gallery manager which uses PHP and AJAX technology and mysql database. You can determine the thumbnail size, maximum width / height and drag&drop to sort order. Embed your galleries anywhere on your pages.
You can also upload your photos directly from your FTP program and the script automatically creates galleries and thumbnails.
v1.3 ? Multiple Image Uploads Feature
v1.4 ? Gallerific Slideshow integration, Slider with Thumbnail and Tooltip added as bonus
v1.5 ? Reading files from folder. Each folder is treated as a gallery
Bug updates:
26.06.2010: Fixed the bug on deleting galleries.
25.09-2010: Fixed the bug on uploading files with blank
More Info:http://codecanyon.net/item/php-ajax-image-gallery-management/87411
CodeCanyon - Thumbnail Gallery - WordPress PluginThis Plugin will help you to easily add a thumbnail gallery to your WordPress website or blog. The gallery is completely customizable, resizable and is compatible with all browsers and devices (iPhone, iPad and Android smartphones). You will be able to insert it in any page or post you want with inbuilt short code generator.
More Info: http://codecanyon.net/item/thumbnail-gallery-wordpress-plugin/294024
CodeCanyon - Video Gallery Wordpress Plugin /w YouTube, VimeoThe most advanced stock video gallery in the world! Now as a WordPress plugin!
More Info: http://codecanyon.net/item/video-gallery-wordpress-plugin-w-youtube-vimeo-/157782
CodeCanyon - WordPress Anything Slider / Banner ManagerThe WP AnythingSlider 3.0 has been released. This is a MAJOR update and you should proceed with caution when updating.
The plugin has been completely re-written and will NOT work as a direct upgrade from the previous plugin. It was suggested initially by CodeCanyon that because the plugin has been revamped so much that it be submitted as a new plugin altogether, but I want to provide the update to all current customers, so it has been released as an update rather than a new plugin.
More Info: http://codecanyon.net/item/wordpress-anything-slider-banner-manager/229507
CodeCanyon -Titan Menu v1.5 - A Fresh And Powerfull Dropdown MenuUpdate v1.5
Added: click event, now you can show the menu if you click it(and hide it with mouseout)
Fixed: issue with the effect called ?slidefade?
More Info: http://codecanyon.net/item/titan-menu-a-fresh-and-powerfull-dropdown-menu/258696?WT.ac=search_item&WT.seg_1=search_item&WT.z_author=CreativeMilk[/center]