Mix Of Modules - CodeCanyon Vol.1 | 36,8 MB

CodeCanyon - Credit Card Payments Wordpress v1.1aThis script allows you to have a quick & easy payment terminal for your clients to pay with major credit cards (Visa, Master Card, American Express, Discover) on your WORDPRESS website without leaving it. Installation and configuration of the script takes less than 5 minutes (however you do need to have SSL and one of 4 merchant accounts (PayPal, OptimalPayments, Moneris US or Moneris Canada, Authorize.net). There are several options to pay: 1) customers can input price themselves and type description. 2)You can turn on pre-defined services and customers will select service from dropdown. 3) You can predefine particular service which your customer will pay for.
- fixed 2 php short tags
- fixed optimal payments, moneris ca, moneris us, authorize.net terminals when using shortcode for particular service.
- paypal error 10571 is now treated as success in paypal payment terminal.
More Info: http://codecanyon.net/item/credit-card-payments-wordpress/462155
CodeCanyon - Fullwidth Audio Player - jQuery plugin - RipThis audio player is supported by all major browsers (Firefox, Chrome, Safari, IE7 -9, Opera etc.) and mobile devices like iPhone, iPad, Android etc.. It comes with a lot of Options and a great API .
One of the greatest feature is that all graphics are created with HTML5 canvas and for those browsers which do not support HTML5 canvas, a SVG fallback will be used. That means for you, you do not need to edit any image files to customize the colors by your wishes ? just set the color values in the options of the plugin.
Your visitors can also share each of your tracks on facebook or twitter. The player also detects when you add a track and a track with a same title in the playlist already exists, then the already added track will be selected and starts playing.
More Info: http://codecanyon.net/item/fullwidth-audio-player-jquery-plugin/841563
CodeCanyon - jQuery Animated Content Changer - RipjQuery Animated Content Changer is a jQuery plugin that allows you to easily manage dynamic html content. With only very simple html, you can add nice features to your website?s content, such as:
- Extending forms with additional input/text
- Switching content inside a div
- Simple box navigation
- Adding or removing any element from your site in a nice way
Choose between different animation types: none, fade, or move. Move is really cool ? it automatically moves and resizes the elements for you!
Using the plugin is as simple as defining in your markup what elements should be shown at a specific state, and what elements should activate each state. All you have to do then is to activate the plugin with one line of javascript. You can set options for animation type and duration, and more.
Requires jQuery 1.6.1 or higher.
More Info: http://codecanyon.net/item/jquery-animated-content-changer/832389
CodeCanyon - Video Player Wordpress Plugin - YouTube/FLV/H264This wordpress plugin will help you administrate the entire video player using a very friendly interface. You?ll be able to customize the player look & feel, playlist and CSS file.
Any type of video file that Flash Player supports can be played with our player:
? FLV /H.264 encoded video : MP4 , M4V, M4A , MOV, Mp4v, F4V
? RTMP (using FMS or RED5 ) and RTMP live streaming
It also plays Audio MP3 files. It supports Google Analytics
You can set this player to any size you want in wp-admin, changing the player width, the player height and the playlist width. You can easy integrate this in your pages using the shortcode [lbg_vp1 settings_id=?1? bgcolor=?#FFFFFF?]
NEW : MULTIPLE VIDEO PLAYERS MANAGEMENT : If you need to include multiple players in your pages with different settings and playlist you can define the players and manage the settings, playlist and css styles for each one. If you need just one player in your website, just edit the default one.
NEW :If needed, a movie can belong to multiple categories
More Info: http://codecanyon.net/item/video-player-wordpress-plugin-youtubeflvh264/719162
CodeCanyon - Wordpress Ad-ManagerYou are a blogger who wants to earn some extra money by including advertising into your posts or your sidebar? Someone who wants to setup ads in a simple and effective way?
Wordpress Ad-Manager offers you a simple solution to implement advertising into your posts, your blog or any other Wordpress page. You can use pictures and images or HTML snippets like Google AdSense to incorporate advertising in an easy way. You are able to select ads via Ad Zones, to re-size them or to limit the height or the width. Wordpress Ad-Manager also offers statistics.
However, Wordpress Ad-Manager?s best feature is its simplicity. It?s easy to set up and also comes with a widget. What more could one want?
More Info: http://codecanyon.net/item/wordpress-admanager/544421[/center]