

VTeme Agriculture v1.0 For J1.5 & v1.1 For J1.7

VTeme Agriculture v1.0 For J1.5 & v1.1 For J1.7

VTeme Agriculture v1.0 For J1.5 & v1.1 For J1.7 | 69,9 MB
VT_Agriculture joomla templates are a great start for crop farms, cattle farms, farmers? markets and produce sales as well as joomla 1.5 templates for farming and agricultural agricultural services, fertilizing and farming companies, etc
VT_Agriculture templates provide the modern farmer a feel of his farm on the web. Imagine entering a joomla website that is ready for harvest crop.This is exactly what one would experience with the use of agricultural templates and crops templates. Farming has never been better.VT_Agriculturel web templates are ideal for people who wish to relive the actual farming experience through their website and provide visitors a complete farming experience through their farmers templates.The crops templates can be customized according to the needs. The VT_Agriculture joomla 1.5 templates provide the perfect ambiance to the fertilizing companies and farming companies, who wish to take their business on line, at the same time cannot imagine being away from mother nature in all its glory.
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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VTEM Hosting v1.0 For J1.5 & J1.7

VTEM Hosting v1.0 For J1.5 & J1.7

VTEM Hosting v1.0 For J1.5 & J1.7 | 40 MB
This template designed especially for web hosting stores making their debut online, as well as for existing stores of average size needing a quick overall design update. The Web Hosting Joomla template is packed with an abundance of customization options, allowing you to add up-to-your taste touches to your hosting services selling e-shop.
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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VTeme Arrows v1.0 For J1.5 & v1.1 For J1.7

VTeme Arrows v1.0 For J1.5 & v1.1 For J1.7

VTeme Arrows v1.0 For J1.5 & v1.1 For J1.7 | 41 MB
VT_Arrows is a slick new page-based theme great for anyone looking to give their website a clean and professional look. My goal with this design was to make something similar to our other business-oriented themes, but with a simpler and aesthetic. The theme features a un-bloated homepage with a beautiful javascript slideshow and clear hierarchy, as well as fully functional.
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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VTeme Cars v1.0 For J1.5 & v1.1 For J1.7

VTeme Cars v1.0 For J1.5 & v1.1 For J1.7

VTeme Cars v1.0 For J1.5 & v1.1 For J1.7 | 49,9 MB
At first sight, you will see the extreme concentration on details, an attention to every single pixel leading to an astonishing designed template. The overall effect?? "Satisfaction to your users..."
But in the second look, you will notice that VT_Cars template has numerous features that will maximally enhance your project.
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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VTeme - Game Joomla Template J1.5 & J1.7

VTeme - Game Joomla Template J1.5 & J1.7

VTeme - Game Joomla Template J1.5 & J1.7 | 79,4 MB
For today millions of people all over the world go crazy about computer games. They spend most of their spare time on different game portals, online game clubs, blogs and forums. Various sites that relate with games are of the most demand. So, the idea to create your own game site is excellent! Besides, it will be easy with the help of VT_Game Template. With this template you will get the website of the high quality without any efforts. Bring your ideas into life with VT_Game Template.
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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VTEM Create v1.1 For J1.5 & v1.0 For J1.7

VTEM Create v1.1 For J1.5 & v1.0 For J1.7

VTEM Create v1.1 For J1.5 & v1.0 For J1.7 | 68,2 MB
This beautiful Joomla template was developed specially for a website related to architecture so if you want to promote your company online or display your projects on the web it will become a one-stop solution for sure. Eye-catching multiple-colored design it is distinguished by creates a really imposing look for your web pages highlighting the quality of the services you offer. The model consists of an insert location is great for displaying an image rotators or a similar method to present your products or services of the site.
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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