ThemeForest Studio Zen Fullscreen Portfolio WordPress Theme v1.0.3 | 7,67 MB
Studio Zen is a powerful theme for photographers and creative artists.
Features Fullscreen slideshows with audio. Video fullscreen playback fro Vimeo, Flash, Youtube and HTML5 videos.
Fullscreen Focus view toggle clears other elements for best view of fullscreen slideshows.
Portfolio includes a Horizontal Slide scroller with captions support, and Galleria slideshows, both placed on background images with focus view toggle.
A transparent fullscreen template where slideshow shortcodes and thumbnail galleries can be displayed nicely. Portfolio Galleria slideshow is currently generated by this template.
Post formats ( Aside, Quote, Audio, Video, Link, Image, Gallery )
Custom Widgets ( address, social icons, flickr, gallery, twitter, recent posts, popular posts )
Internationalized ( localize with your language .po .mo files included )
Version 1.3 [ 27th October 2011 ]
Fix - Footer copyright pulls from options
:- footer.php