

GraphicRiver - Legacy Poster/Flyer Template (REUPLOAD)

GraphicRiver - Legacy Poster/Flyer Template (REUPLOAD)

GraphicRiver - Legacy Poster/Flyer Template (REUPLOAD LINKS)
Everything in the PSD file is well grouped and organized. There are many layers to move around/change blend mode etc. to create unique looks.
The PSD file is setup at 2625px x 3375px (8.5”x11” with .25” bleeds) | CMYK | 300 dpi | 492 Mb
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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ThemeForest - Cascade - Personal vCard Template - Rip

ThemeForest - Cascade - Personal vCard Template - Rip

ThemeForest - Cascade - Personal vCard Template - Rip | 3,34 MB
Cascade is a minimalist personal vCard template based on four vertical menu tabs. The first tab is a typical descriptive about page with slider, the second is a gallery with build-in lightbox, next tab is a personal info page and the last tab is the contact page with working form. Included PSD source file allows you to customize this template to your needs.
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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