

BambooTheme - Wood Flower (Joomla 1.5)

BambooTheme - Wood Flower (Joomla 1.5)

BambooTheme - Wood Flower (Joomla 1.5) | 86,5 MB
Wood Flower is a rich and elegant Joomla template with diverse colour and layout options. Wood Flower is the first template to be built using our new framework which provides an amazing amount of flexibility and control over the way you implement the template. Creating your own unique theme will never be the same again.
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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BambooTheme - Wallpaper (Joomla 1.5)

BambooTheme - Wallpaper (Joomla 1.5)

BambooTheme - Wallpaper (Joomla 1.5) | 32,4
Wallpaper is the Joomla template where stylish extravagance meets practical function. The result? A striking blog, folio or retail site your visitors will never forget. Lush, flowing backgrounds go half-tone for utility. Rich colours and bold contrasts draw the most discerning eyes, without impeding navigation. Elegant fonts, icons and drop downs complete an interior that commands attention and respect.
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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BambooTheme - Canvas (Joomla 1.5)

BambooTheme - Canvas (Joomla 1.5)

BambooTheme - Canvas (Joomla 1.5) | 112 MB
Whether your work is lean and clean or down and dirty, Canvas is the ideal creative solution to set your folio site on fire. With two fresh gallery modules, nine unique themes, an extraordinary 27 module positions and a galaxy of typographical choice, there are endless possibilities to suit your style.
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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BambooTheme - Zen Simple Shop (Joomla 1.5)

BambooTheme - Zen Simple Shop (Joomla 1.5)

BambooTheme - Zen Simple Shop (Joomla 1.5) | 32,4 MB
This version utilises the Zen Grid framework and provides support for the ecommerce component from Dioscouri as well as an implementation of the Avanti K2 template. Zen Simpleshop is a clean, minimal snow white Joomla template that is superfast and great for showcasing your products, blog or any other content.
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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