

GraphicRiver - 3D That! – Get into three dimensions

GraphicRiver - 3D That! – Get into three dimensions

GraphicRiver - 3D That! – Get into three dimensions
You want to create 3d images but don’t have the skills to use any 3d modeling program/software? But you do have to skills to install a Photoshop Action and click the play button? Well, then you are the perfect candidate to use this amazing easy to use Photoshop three-dimensional (3D) action!
With just one click on the button you can easily turn any shape/layer/text or whatever you like into a 3D image on high resolution! I would just say… 3D IT!
Get ready to generate your own 3D images!
This file can be easily used and installed in Adobe Photoshop CS or higher. The ATN & PSD contain: 2000x2000 psd file (Sample to try) | Highest detail possible | Easily turn images | shapes | texts into 3D | Nicely named and sorted layers | Turn everything you like into clean 3D graphics. (RZDESIGN Style!) | Awesome feeling & quality (right?) | Also possible to create pressed graphics! | It will use the colors from your main image to generate the 3D effect(s)! Ain’t that awesome?!
You can simulate a pressure effect as well! Just keep the whole canvas filled with a color and cut the shape you want to get pressed from it. Then follow the tutorial!
format ATN | Sample PSD | instructions | 12 Mb
Раздел: Photoshop » Photoshop аctions
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GraphicRiver - Rock Party/Concert Flyer Template

GraphicRiver - Rock Party/Concert Flyer Template

GraphicRiver - Rock Party/Concert Flyer Template | 124.9 Mb
2 PSD files 2 sizes (A4+A5) 29.7x21 and 21x14.8 cm OR 11 .7x8.3 and 8.3x5.8 in with 3mm bleed 4 colors CMYK Ready to Print with guides
For the colors just make visible the color layers and close the one you don’t want also you can play around with colors and get new results every time.
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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Повелительница стихий

Повелительница стихий

С незапамятных времён, когда мамонты бороздили просторы саванн а деревья вырастали до грозных небес люди поклонялись стихиям. С развитием цивилизации люди стали поклоняться могущественным колдунам и колдуньям. Ни кто ни когда не видел тех могущественных властителей и властительниц. В эру Photoshop каждый может осмелиться изобразить себя в образе повелителя стихий и огребет дерзновенный славу неслыханную, и да пребудет с ним силища могучая.
Раздел: Видео Уроки
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