

Набор русских кириллических шрифтов (Часть 6)

Набор русских кириллических шрифтов (Часть 6)

Набор русских кириллических шрифтов (Часть 6)
Отличный набор из 130 русских кириллических шрифтов в TTF формате. Кириллица присутствует во всех шрифтах. Шрифты легко можно использовать в графических и текстовых редакторах. Применив немного фантазии можно добиться отличного результата в вашем творчестве. В полной новости вы сможете увидеть каталог шрифтов, которые содержатся в данной новости.
130 TTF | 12 Mb
Раздел: Шрифты
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Marketing Graphics Toolkit

Marketing Graphics Toolkit

Marketing Graphics Toolkit | 62.8 MB

This "Marketing Graphics Toolkit" consists of some of the very best tools and templates that are geared specifically towards Internet Marketers. These tools and templates will add some KILLER visual flair to all your websites and blogs.

I've been doing this graphics stuff for over 7 years now, and I charge up to $100 an hour for custom design work, so you won't get any amateur content (you'll see samples for yourself below).

With 21 different Modules, there's something for everyone here. Just one piece of content from this package can save you either a hundred bucks on designer fees, or hours of time trying to do it yourself.

A few more important things to know about this package...

* All of the graphics and tools in this package were created by me personally. This is NOT some rehashed PLR material. Plus I've never sold PLR or any kind of other reseller rights to this package.

* I've offered similar tools before... for THIS package I've updated my best tools and created brand new tools. So 90% of the content in this package is brand new and not available anywhere else. So if you already bought stuff from me before, this is brand new stuff you don't have yet. This is like a "best of the best" pack full of my greatest tools... all updated for 2011.

* About half of the tools in this pack require Adobe Photoshop while the other half doesn't require any special software and can be used as is. So there is something for everyone. I label all the modules below and let you know which require Photoshop and which don't.

* If you DO have Photoshop... Everything in this package comes with PSD source files, so you can further modify the files.

* While everything in this package is really easy to use, you do also get step-by-step instructions for the more "technical" tools.
Раздел: Photoshop » PSD исходники
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