

Wharton: A Big & Bold WordPress Blog Theme v1.2.3 - Themeforest 6928979

Wharton: A Big & Bold WordPress Blog Theme v1.2.3 - Themeforest 6928979

Wharton: A Big & Bold WordPress Blog Theme v1.2.3 - Themeforest 6928979

Wharton is lightweight and simple yet big and bold. Wharton can be used as photoblog-style WordPress theme for sharing your thoughts, videos, articles, quotes, audio – you can even embed Twitter status and Facebook statuses. Of course, you could use Wharton as a minimal portfolio to show off your latest work.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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SimpleApp - App Landing Page - Creativemarket 39626

SimpleApp - App Landing Page - Creativemarket 39626

SimpleApp - App Landing Page - Creativemarket 39626

This is SIMPLEAPP. A snazzy new HTML theme for your next product launch. SIMPLEAPP is packed with some awesome feature such as CSS animations and a SimpleForm. Features: Responsive [NEW] | Bootstrap 3 | SASS Files (easily change theme colors) | CSS3 Animations | Fixed Scrolling Header | Custom Graphics created by Theme Beasts | Simple Contact Form | Google Maps | Google Fonts | Works on all modern browsers.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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