

CodeCanyon - Webmaster Tools - PHP Scripts


CodeCanyon - Webmaster Tools - PHP Scripts | 1,26 MB

Webmaster Tools is lightweight and easy to install PHP Script which contains a collection of webmaster tools developed to help with their daily chores. The application have 18 built-in unique services which can be easily configured to your own needs.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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Mojo-Themes - LioFolio- Responsive HTML5 Template - RIP

Mojo-Themes - LioFolio- Responsive HTML5 Template - RIP

Mojo-Themes - LioFolio- Responsive HTML5 Template - RIP | 10,9 MB

The template comes complete with 25 pages, four colour schemes, three sliders, PrettyPhoto, FitVids, photostreams, a working contact form, Twitter tweets and also uses lots of features which are available as part of Twitter Bootstrap.
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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PopUP Domination v3.5.3 For WordPress

PopUP Domination v3.5.3 For WordPress

PopUP Domination v3.5.3 For WordPress | 3,01 MB

PopUP Domination For WordPress 3.5.3 - Ultimate plugin to increase your list size. Make more money by using our beautiful themes and specific functionality to grow your subscriber list by over 500%.
version 3.5.3
- Added option to notify to email address on opt-in.
- Now closes lighbox on mailchimp already subscribed error
- Changed toggle links to ON/OFF “buttons”
- Removed legacy database code that displayed errors on installs with WP_DEBUG turned on.
- Added mobile device detection to front-end as fallback for WP-Super-Cached pages etc.
- Altered A/B testing cookies to hide lightbox if any of A/B test had been shown.
- Added option to clear this A/B cookie for testing.
- Added which popup was submitted to opt-in to email message.
- Added ability to toggle all checkboxes in display settings to easier enable those with lots of pages to deselect a few.
- Added toggling of help boxes – default closed.
- Added UX prompt to toggle new campaigns ON
- Added UX prompt to direct to mailing list manager from within campaign mailing list tab.
- Added animation options to display popup.
- Disabled theme backups – too inefficient
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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Шикарный цветочный календарь на 2013 год – Розы, лилии и фея

Шикарный цветочный календарь на 2013 год – Розы, лилии и фея

Шикарный цветочный календарь на 2013 год – Розы, лилии и фея
PSD | 5315x3543 | | 300 dpi | 154 Mb
Автор: ОксанаА.
Примечание: Календарная сетка на 3 языках – русском, английском и украинском.
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Фоторамки
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ThemeForest - Qreator v2.2 - Responsive Premium Wordpress Theme

ThemeForest - Qreator v2.2 - Responsive Premium Wordpress Theme

ThemeForest - Qreator v2.2 - Responsive Premium Wordpress Theme | 89,3 MB

Wide variety of fine-tune options allow you to not only modify an existing design, they will help you to create your own. And you don't need to know the code or deal in programming for this! Create your own skins and change them even daily. Share with others. We call it the Q-styles. All you need is Qreator
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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WooThemes - Resort v1.0.1 - Premium WordPress Theme

WooThemes - Resort v1.0.1 - Premium WordPress Theme

WooThemes - Resort v1.0.1 - Premium WordPress Theme | 2,98 MB

This business theme sports a clean, simple color palette with an ever present fixed header navigation, whilst it's modular structure means you can create a very custom homepage layout. With WooCommerce support you can add shop facilities with ease, and WooDojo support means you can easily add social media widgets and further functionality. The options are limitless.

*** Woothemes Resort Changelog ***

2013.04.17 – version 1.0.1
* css/layout.css – Added “polaroid” look to the homepage gallery images & fixed slider arrows positioning.

2013.04.16 – version 1.0.0
* First release!
Раздел: Шаблоны для сайтов
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