

Web Elements UI Set

Web Elements UI Set

Web Elements UI Set
This UI set includes over 30 different elements that can be used to help you create beautiful mockups quickly. Each of the elements is available in five different colors (blue, green, pink, purple, and red). The elements have a beautiful style (view in full-size) to make sure that they will look great in your work.
6 PSD | 52,1 mb
Раздел: Photoshop » PSD исходники
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ZT Balis v1.5.2&v1.7.0- ZooTemplate Joomla 1.5&1.7 Dating Template

ZT Balis v1.5.2&v1.7.0- ZooTemplate Joomla 1.5&1.7 Dating Template

ZT Balis v1.5.2&v1.7.0- ZooTemplate Joomla 1.5&1.7 Dating Template
Valentine’s Day is time to celebrate love – the most beautiful feeling in the world. It’s lucky for those who are loved and cared for. So, why not let ZT Balis of ZooTemplate help you create and save those memorable moment?
ZT Balis utilizes the optimum of Mega Menu with great features such as show all the options in one large panel or group them into relates categories. This impressive Mega Menu totally solves the design problem of navigating a large website. Moreover, it also possesses a fantastic Fancy Menu effect that will certainly impress your friends. The Fancy Menu effect will make your site more Web 2.0 compatible, semantically better and accessible.
Раздел: Любительское - Поделки » Шаблоны для Photoshop
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Mystique – VideoHive

Mystique – VideoHive

Mystique – VideoHive | 54,6 MB
Hey guys, this an After Effects project file. Another great animation with lots of potential uses and variable title and footage animations. Great for your website or business presentation at your office. It can be easily translated to fit any other type of promo. Neat design and sophisticated moves make it the best marketing tool for company.
Раздел: Футажи
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“Particles” Logo Reveal – VideoHive

“Particles” Logo Reveal – VideoHive

“Particles” Logo Reveal – VideoHive | 101 MB
This is a professional After Effects CS4 Project file. A innovative Animation with nice camera moves. Great for Intro or Opener.
You can easily modify it,to make it fit in any other type of Advertisement. Modern Design and a variety of motions, make it to one of the best Openers for Web,TV or Print.
Раздел: Футажи
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Электрика своими руками (2010) DVDRip

Электрика своими руками (2010) DVDRip

Вы затеяли у себя дома грандиозный ремонт и дело дошло до электрики? Не спешите звать на помощь мастера с отвёрткой в кармане и умным выражением на лице. Большинство работ связанных с электрикой просты и вполне безопасны.Понять почему не горит свет, заменить старые розетки и включатели,установить точечные светильники в навесном потолке... всё это вы можете сделать сами, и не зачем тратиться на электрика, просто посмотрите это видео.
Раздел: Видео Уроки
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